DROP IN EVENT Stafford Shoes are organising a drop in event in Stafford town centre on Staurday 31st October 2009 . The event is going to be very informal and a chance for people to just pop in for a cup of tea and a chat . For those who worked in the industry it may be an opportunity to meet up with some old friends . And for those people who have a passing interest in Stafford it may be a chance to meet a "sciver " or a "clicker " . Who knows ? Oddfellows Hall Saturday 31st October 2009 10.30 to 2.30 Refreshments served If you would like to volunteer to help on the day please get in touch . | SHOE NEWSThe very first Shoe News is now available . It is a very simple news sheet which brings people up to date with how the stafford shoes group is progressing .It is very new and basic but as time moves on we hope it will become bigger and better and be an ideal way for people with an interest in the industry that made Stafford what it is to day to become involved . Copies can be downloaded in our documents page by clicking here . |