Get Yer Boots On

November 6, 2009
Well the first stand alone event organised by the group went ahead on Saturday 31st October and was a great success. A lot of people put a lot of effort into it and it paid off . Lots of people turned up to share information , stories , items of interest and a cup of tea . 
 The feedback was great . Everyone thought the aims of the group were good and wished us success . They also really enjoyed the event with plenty of smiling and happy faces .
  Most people heard of the day through contacts and Radio Stoke . The Express and Star article and photo didn't quite make it before the meeting but did eventually appear on the following Wednesday .

Roll on the next one ! 

To learn more go to the Get Yer Boots On page by clicking here

Heritage Trail Walk

October 29, 2009
Today was the day for walking part of our trail with Radio Stoke . It went well and sounded quite interesting . It is due to be aired between 10 and 1 on Friday 30th October on BBC Radio Stoke . So don't forget to switch on the radion and listen to our local station .
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Express and Star

October 29, 2009
Well folks after performing for the  photo shoot it seems that we still haven't appeared in the paper. Well never mind , "that's showbiz " !  Better luck next time round .
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Radio Stoke Interview

October 27, 2009
The interest in the group and the upcoming event is realy mounting . We have been contacted by Radio Stoke who want to walk the heritage trail in the north end of the town. The trail is only in it's draft stage but we have enough to give them a taste of the thriving industry that made Stafford what it is today . We don't know yet when the feature will go out on air but will let you know when it does .
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Photo Shoot

October 27, 2009
Well today a few of the team took part in a photo shoot outside the front doors of the Oddfellows Hall in Stafford's main street for the Express and Star newspaper. We are hoping that the picture may form part of an article in the Wednesday edition . So keep your eyes peeled .

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Drop Event Countdown

October 25, 2009
Well we are now only 6 days away from the event at the Oddfellows Hall in Stafford . So don't forget to pop in between 10.30am and 2.30pm for a cup of tea ( free ! ) and a chat . 
We are now encouraging anyone who has a pair of Stafford made shoes to bring then down  and show them to us . If do have a pair why not proudly wear them for the day . Go on .
The press are being very kind to us once again . We are due to have a photo shoot this week to go with an article in the Express and Star  pro...
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Shoe News

October 13, 2009
Hot off the press is our very first news sheet . We've been planning to produce regular updates for people for a while now  but just haven't had the time in our diaries . But the wait is over and here at long last  is our first attempt . It's pretty basic but does the job . Why not take a look by going to our downloads page  where you can get a copy or why not e-mail us and ask to be put on the mailing list so that you can get a copy on a regular basis .

Download the Autumn edition here .
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Shoe Box Mystery

October 12, 2009
You may well have seen all the  articles about the mysterious shoe box from Tasmania  in the local press and be wondering if we have yet discovered  it's origin . Well unfortunately no we haven't . We have had someone contact us who thinks that it may be  a company known as J C Penney in America who currently sell Stafford Brand shoes. Or could the HP & Co name refer to Hollins,  and old shoe maker in Stafford ? Who knows .
Please keep your thinking caps on and let us know if you think of anyt...
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Drop In Open Event Announced

September 29, 2009
Well it seems like a long time coming but at last the group has agreed the date of the Drop In Event in the town . The venue has now been booked for Saturday 31st October 2009 and it will be taking place at the Oddfellows Hall in the main street in Stafford town centre.
It will be another chance for people with an interest in the shoe making industry to get together , whether they have worked in the industry , had relatives that did or those who just want to find out more .

Further details wil...
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Slow Blog Posts !

September 27, 2009
Yes we know that the blog page hasn't been too active . We've been trying to get to grips with a variety of things and the web site has been one that has dropped though the net so that's the reason for the lack of blogs etc . Sorry to all those visitors keen to keep up to date with the group .
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